HubBucket Typeflow

HubBucket Typeflow is a Technology Design Division of HubBucket Inc ("HubBucket").


Artificial Intelligence – AI is at the Core of the majority of Modern Technology in the 21st Century

Many core systems providers have gone all in on artificial intelligence and are rebuilding their offerings and capabilities around an AI-first model. The integration of AI into core enterprise systems represents a significant shift in how businesses operate and leverage technology for competitive advantage. It’s hard to overstate AI’s transformative impact on core systems. For years, the core...

Technology Design at HubBucket Typeflow

Technology Design refers to the process of creating order out of chaos and making technology usable for business purposes. It involves driving transformation processes through automation, digitization, and technical progress to enable the development of innovative products and services in the digital era. The technology ecosystem is one that is collaborative in form and structure. It fosters cocreation...